#womensupportingwomen: How AMELI contributes to support women
Recently, a new challenge appeared on Instagram: Black and white portrait photos are posted with the hashtag #womensupportingwomen. This hashtag is meant to celebrate strength, spread love, and remind all women that supporting each other is everything. By now, there are 6,8 Mio. posts with this hashtag. The initiative is great, but how is the support looking like?

All of these people posting #womensupportingwomen including us have access to Instagram, they can read and write, they had access to education. Learning to read, write, and calculate has been natural to me and all of you. Unfortunately, this is still an unattainable privilege for over 130 million girls worldwide. Two thirds of the world's 758 million illiterate adults are women. Studies show that girls attending school lead to higher literacy, higher wages and faster income growth. It improves family planning, reduces child marriages and premature births.
In her book The moment of Lift, Melinda Gates targets these topics and shares lessons she’s learned from inspiring people around the world that have a common goal: To empower women. We agree with Malala Yousafzai that the book „is an urgent manifesto for an equal society where women are valued and recognized in all spheres of life. Most of all, it is a call for unity, inclusion and connection“. This book urged us more to act than any hashtag could ever do. We want to do our part to contribute to an equal world, as women supporting other women.
“If you want to lift up humanity, empower women. It is the most comprehensive, pervasive, high-leverage investment you can make in human beings.“ – Melinda Gates
Our human duty is helping women around the world to receive education they all deserve. And the hashtag #womensupportingwomen is a good message, the right direction, but to quote one of my favourite inspirational woman Shonda Rhimes:
If we really want to support other women, we have to do more than post a picture and use a hashtag. So how is AMELI going to support women?
AMELI creates elegant, timeless but functional business bags for women. Products that have long existed for men. Because while men have always dominated the business world, women are arriving slowly, especially because of earlier social roles for women and men. Women are still underrepresented in management positions. In top management there are still only 1/4 women.
With our brand, we want to strengthen women in the business world by developing the products that we lacked. Especially in the fashion industry, women are not only consumers but also its creative and driving force.
Further, we want to make sure that more women have the opportunity to get the job they want by supporting them in their right to education. We believe that education is at the root of the improvement of our world, and we will strive in our future work to allocate funds for the education of women.
Our contribution is that we donate 5% of our profits annually to selected non-profit organizations that promote and work for the education of girls and women.
This is both our promise and an invitation to everyone to do as much as they can so that every girl in the world has equal chances.